Monday, July 30, 2012

I have been able to work at many different facilities in the past, However since 1995 I have worked for myself.  I opened one of the first pet boutiques in 1995 and it still succesfully runs and is located in Nassau County Long Island. IT BROUGHT ME EIGHT GREAT YEARS AND LOTS OF FRIENDS. I learned the outs and ins of the pet industry. Back then it was much harder to screen our breeders, now it's very easy to find out what breeder is a humane loving person and which breeders should not be allowed to own a dog.

Throughout the years I have fought with so many so called breeders and some of them are just not smart enough to know that dogs sense fear and hunger and desire companionship.  It's like talking to a wall and this is a breeder I will report to the usda. I also found that all the complaints I have issued through the years did absolutely nothing.  As  more and more kennels and pet stores get smart they are learning to check the breeders USDA reports and ask simple questions..." How many Dogs do you have?" When the answer comes back hundreds, I do hope the pet shop runs the other way. I'm hoping that with less support of the very large scale breeding kennels they will fall to the side.

There is some good news, recently one of the major puppy brokers in Kansas has closed after 40 years," Lambriar Kennels".   I found that buying directly from the breeder or kennel makes the seller much more responsible for their puppies health. More and More of the breeders now Certify the parents eyes and certify the parents hips . One defect ALL breeders will never be able to avoid is patella luxations. Most of the time it happens because the little dogs are jumping up and down off furniture.

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